Category Archives: CSR Programs

With increasing incidence of medical emergencies in corporate/government offices, factories, and public places, it is imperative that all staff members are trained in the basics of how to handle a serious medical situation when it arises. Too often, people are caught unaware and unable to perform the simple tasks required to save a colleagues life. Learn more about our corporate programs below- because every second counts!

Protect your child

Protect your child

Immunization save lives as it protects children against dangerous diseases of childhood. Immunization is done by vaccines either injected or given by mouth. These vaccines make the immunity of child or child’s defences strong against many diseases. Most importantly, immunization only works if given before the attack of a disease. Children, who don’t get their immunization on time become the best candidates to get these diseases, they become weak with hampered growth and may die from malnutrition and other diseases.  Colostrum (or first breast milk) is termed as first vaccine of new-born as it builds the child’s immunity to disease.


Home Safety

Home Safety

We all love our family, our home and we don’t want anything bad happened to them. Most home injury deaths are caused by fire and burns, choking, poisons and falls.  We should take initiatives to promote safety at home for everyone.  We need to identify the vulnerable people first such as small children, old people who are more likely to get injured because of home accidents. Accident prevention plan (Emergency evacuation plan in case of an earthquake) has to be made to control all the risks involved.


Prevention Of Common Diseases

Prevention of Common diseases

Malaria, Dengue, flu etc. are common diseases that can affect anyone if we don’t take the right precautions to either prevent it or reduce its impact.  We need to possess the right information about them to implement the required changes around us to thwart their attacks. For Example: Dengue is transmitted by the bite of the Aedes mosquito that typically attacks during day time.


Health Is Hygiene

Health Is Hygiene

We should maintain hygiene inside and around us to prevent many unwanted diseases. This program covers correct hand washing techniques, etiquettes to follow in colds/flu and tips on personal hygiene and general hygiene. This is the key factor to promote overall general health of the whole family.

Life Saving Techniques

Life Saving Techniques

Emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere to anybody. We must learn life saving techniques such as CPR, recovery position, heimlich manoeuvre; pressure points to control the heavy bleeding etc. Knowledge of these techniques will lead to prompt correct action in case of a medical emergency and can save precious lives.

AIDS Awareness

AIDS Awareness

The Whole World is still doubtful about finding a definitive cure against this scary disease. It remains difficult to predict the course of this HIV infection or AIDS. There are so many myths prevailing in mind of many people such as it can be transmitted by shaking hands or sharing food and drink with someone with AIDS, by giving a hug or kiss to someone with AIDS, and so on. Transmission can only occur if someone is exposed to blood, semen, vaginal fluid or mother’s milk from an infected person.

Stop Smoking

Stop Smoking

Have you ever thought why people smoke despite its injurious effects mentioned outside its packet? Smoking is definitely injurious to health as it adversely affects nearly every organ in the body, even it can cause lung cancer. Think about your family before indulging into this bad habit of smoking or use of other tobacco products. Don’t take your life lightly as you are too precious for your family.



Though many people take alcohol as an excitatory stimulant, the fact remains that it is a central nervous system depressant. It means if affects your mind and reduce your reaction time. Alcohol abuse (or Alcoholism) is a pattern of drinking that not only harms one’s health but it plays an important cog in the wheel of interpersonal relationships and also reduces one’s ability to work.